Saturday, August 05, 2006

an analysis

"Chloe, I need another favor. Get me Frege's 'Truth and Meaning,' and don't let that whiner from 'Rudy' see you do it."
(ok, to get this joke you need movie knowledge, and philosophy of language knowledge.)

So, let's go over some of what's been said about Jack Bauer's foray into fashion politics.

On the one side, there's a lot of people pointing to the function or purpose of the bag as determining its classicfication. If it holds tools like guns and stuff (or school stuff), it's a satchel. If daily amenities, then purse.
A problem with this view is we can think of all kinds of counter-examples where bags that are clearly murses are used to hold tools and would thus be classified as a satchel, or vice versa. There is, however, a possible way around this. Instead of pointing to the subjective purpose of the user for the bag, let's look at the intended purpose. For example, my murse is not intended to hold text-books or guns, it's intended for stuff i may need like throughout the day like... uhhh.. whatever. You get the point.
Now hold up, what about those side bags which appear too small and stylish for a stachel, but too big for a murse? Their reasonable utility is vague. What then fashion philosopher?

Well... I'll refer to a beautiful comment from a s-m-a-r-t Queen's student. "Often the bearer's style and poise can determine whether it is a murse or not." Just use the whole picture.

Now the one bag I cannot figure out is what Josh R. got in North Africa. It's smooth leather, big, but has this big metal emblem... The thing is beyond philosophical categorization.


At 6:20 PM, Blogger lowonthego said...

hahah that bag that joshua robinson got in NA....needs to be thrown out.

At 8:59 PM, Blogger Kirsten said...

Seeing as I bought the same bag, I disagree!

At 9:46 PM, Blogger lowonthego said...

haha, right after i posted that comment, i remembered that mr. robinson had told me that you had bought the same bag...

but i think the bag would look better as a woman's purse than a murse.

At 10:39 PM, Blogger Sid S. said...

picture! :D

At 10:40 PM, Blogger Sid S. said...

p.s. i totally want those t-shirts from hillel!!!

i'm guessin' u were d one dat posted dat :D

At 9:34 AM, Blogger Chris Hillcoat said...

Josh has a girl's bag!? I'm worried about that boy.

At 4:05 PM, Blogger Kirsten said...

Don't worry; the bag and I go together wonderfully.

At 10:10 PM, Blogger Ryan Lawrence said...

Well andrew, I think you have stumbled onto something bigger than a simple fashion dilemma. You are seeking to understand the identity of the murse and in order to do this you need to decide upon an ontological frame work for defining objects in general. Only once you have done this can set a criterion for murseness. So, for instance, you could decide objects are defined by what they do, or even what they are intended to do. You could also argue that we all individually create identities for objects: they are nothing in themselves, but we give them meaning. Now, since i believe in a God and untimely in objective truth, I must conclude that there is one single correct definition for the murse. But I also think that probably only God knows the answer. So I suggest that either you pray for wisdom and guidance, or just let it drop and wait for the sweet-here-after to find out. Anyway, good luck with your quest for meaning. Keep fighting the good fight brother.

Psalm 139:6

At 10:06 PM, Blogger Son of Man said...

All I have to say is, 'thanks Jill.'

At 11:37 AM, Blogger amac said...

hmm, this quest will never reach certainty.. but it can achieve victory. Human constructions will always come up sort, but some are better than others. They are better if they correspond to the object (abstract or physical), are consistent with other known things, and don't offend me. I think by using these three criteria in a well-balanced way, we safely categorize objects as long as they aren't rocked by Josh Robinson (that man looks philosophy in the eye and says, "luther played the boogie, and you socrates, my friend, can't dance.")

At 10:10 PM, Blogger Son of Man said...

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At 10:11 PM, Blogger Son of Man said...

oh, Jill, good call on Rudy. I wept during that film. Good times.

At 12:52 PM, Blogger Chris Hillcoat said...

Speaking of North Africa, thanks for your letter - I got it this morning. Good times.

At 7:55 AM, Blogger Amanda said...

Ahh...that's Lisa's quote. It sounded like her. As to the bag and Josh's fashion sense, didn't he also buy more shoes than any girl on the trip? I figure Josh and Kirsten can pull it off equally well. Of course, if he had bought the purplish one it might be another story.


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