Thursday, January 11, 2007

a new year's goal

We were going around the circle in our MDGLDG (male-discipleship-group-leader-discipleship-group), giving new year hopes, and even though I hadn't really consciously made this one, it came to mind quickly. My hope this year is to find something relaxing to do everyday. I think I can become a work-a-holic pretty easily, and it destroys my joy. I feel productive and can keep it up for a while, but I don't think I should be acting like that. It turns me into a short of means to my vision and goals, stopping me from enjoying God's gifts. I think what I'm describing right now is the case for many a burnt-out minister. There is a vision to accomplish, but there's a soul to nurture as well. I think those who've been with C4C or pastoral leadership for a while have learned this lesson.

so i'm trying to teach myself by not working from waking till sleeping (minus devos), but instead grabbing a vanilla bean hot choc, or reading for interest, or aerobics (yeh I aerob), or sitting down with a friend just to chill. anyhow, I'd like to hear if anyone has similar hopes for their new year :)


At 8:37 PM, Blogger Ryan Lawrence said...

i going to try to jog more. it helps me to relax. also got to read more. i'm getting soft in the head.


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