my reading week so-far
I'm nearing the end of my reading week.
after my French exam last Friday, when my parents hijacked me from York for a family trip to Montreal. It was my uncle's 80th B-day. so we went to his "favourite" Chinese buffet, which was really just bad westernized Chinese food with Hawaiain decor (see pic -->)
So I got food poisoned, and spent my Saturday at Brad's (montreal
staff) empyting my body. (I think the human body's reaction to food poisoning is amazing. It empty's itself of absolutely everything, I couldn't even hold down water. Good for illustrating "purging.")
Anyhow, I think God poisoned me to get me to start seriously praying over what I should be doing next year. I had decided to go on STINT to North Africa, but I wasn't always very enthusiastic. I was also "waffling" (in Brad's words). Anyhow, I waffle no longer. I'm going to North Africa, and I intend on taking 3 girls, 2 guys with me. We're gonna help change the world.
So that's how I started my week. In the middle I went to Guelph for CAMPUS EXCHANGE. Yorkies travelled to the beautiful campus of Guelph to do some evangelism. The buildings are impressive, not just blocks of concrete like some at York. Also, they have greenhouses. Here's two of my favourite pics from the greenhouse:
Silas and I left some surprises for you :) He's a little more in cognito than I.
Happy Late Reading Weeks non-Yorkies!
Thanks for coming to Goo-elf. It was encouraging having you guys there!
Nice pictures too. It was a fun little game :)
where's silas? hahaha.
i feel like this is where's waldo.
hahah forget that. i actually CLICKED on the picture and then saw him.
donc. i am a dork.
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